Demystifying SSRS Errors: When Stored Procedures Go Rogue
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Demystifying SSRS Errors: When Stored Procedures Go Rogue

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Are you tired of pulling your hair out trying to troubleshoot SSRS errors related to stored procedures? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the mysterious world of SSRS and explore the common issues that arise when using stored procedures. But don’t worry, we’ll also provide you with actionable solutions to get your reports up and running in no time!

The Problem: SSRS Errors Using Stored Procedure, but Allows the Identical Script to Work

One of the most frustrating errors you might encounter is when SSRS throws an error when using a stored procedure, yet the identical script works flawlessly when executed manually. This anomaly can be attributed to the way SSRS interacts with the database and the stored procedure. Let’s break it down:

  1. Authentication Issues: SSRS uses a different authentication mechanism compared to manual execution. When you execute a script manually, you’re using your own credentials, whereas SSRS uses the credentials specified in the report’s data source.
  2. Database Context: The database context in which the stored procedure is executed differs between manual execution and SSRS. Manual execution occurs in the context of the current database, whereas SSRS executes the stored procedure in the context of the report’s dataset.
  3. Parameter Passing: When using stored procedures in SSRS, parameters are passed differently compared to manual execution. SSRS passes parameters as a single string, whereas manual execution allows for separate parameter values.

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s explore some common errors you might encounter when using stored procedures in SSRS:

  • Error:Cannot create a connection to data source ‘DataSource1’ – This error typically occurs when the report’s data source is not configured correctly or the stored procedure is not deployed correctly.
  • Error:Invalid object name ‘dbo.StoredProcName’ – This error occurs when the stored procedure does not exist in the database or the database context is incorrect.
  • Error:Procedure or function ‘StoredProcName’ expects parameter ‘@Param1’, which was not supplied – This error happens when the report fails to pass the required parameters to the stored procedure.

Solving the Mystery: Troubleshooting SSRS Errors

To resolve the issues mentioned above, follow these step-by-step troubleshooting guides:

Step 1: Verify Data Source Configuration

Check that the report’s data source is correctly configured:

      <DataSource Name="DataSource1">
          <ConnectionString>Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;Integrated Security=True</ConnectionString>

Step 2: Ensure Stored Procedure Deployment

Verify that the stored procedure is deployed correctly in the database:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcName
      @Param1 int,
      @Param2 varchar(50)
        SELECT * FROM TableName
        WHERE ColumnName = @Param1
        AND ColumnName2 = @Param2

Step 3: Check Parameter Passing

Ensure that the report is passing the correct parameters to the stored procedure:

      <CommandText>EXEC dbo.StoredProcName @Param1, @Param2</CommandText>
      <QueryParameter Name="@Param1">
      <QueryParameter Name="@Param2">

Best Practices for Using Stored Procedures in SSRS

To avoid common errors and ensure a seamless experience, follow these best practices:

  1. Use a Consistent Naming Convention: Use a consistent naming convention for your stored procedures and parameters to avoid confusion.
  2. Test Stored Procedures Independently: Test your stored procedures independently before using them in SSRS to identify any issues.
  3. Use Secure Authentication: Use secure authentication mechanisms, such as Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication, to ensure proper access to the database.
  4. Parameterize Your Stored Procedures: Parameterize your stored procedures to improve performance and security.
  5. Monitor SSRS Logs: Monitor SSRS logs to identify and troubleshoot errors related to stored procedures.


In conclusion, SSRS errors related to stored procedures can be frustrating, but by understanding the underlying causes and following the troubleshooting guides and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to overcome these challenges. Remember to verify data source configuration, ensure stored procedure deployment, and check parameter passing to resolve common errors. By following these steps, you’ll be able to create robust and efficient reports using stored procedures in SSRS.

Common Error Solution
Error:Cannot create a connection to data source ‘DataSource1’ Verify data source configuration and deployment
Error:Invalid object name ‘dbo.StoredProcName’ Verify stored procedure deployment and correct database context
Error:Procedure or function ‘StoredProcName’ expects parameter ‘@Param1’, which was not supplied Verify parameter passing and ensure correct parameter values

Now, go forth and conquer the world of SSRS reporting with stored procedures!

Frequently Asked Question

SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) can be a wonderful tool for creating interactive reports, but sometimes it can throw some curveballs our way. Specifically, when using stored procedures, we might encounter errors that leave us scratching our heads. Let’s dive into some FAQs that might just clear up some of those pesky issues!

Why do I get an error when using a stored procedure in SSRS, but the same script works fine in SSMS?

This is a classic gotcha! In SSRS, the execution context is different from SSMS. When you run a stored procedure in SSMS, it executes under the context of the current user. However, in SSRS, it runs under the context of the Reporting Services service account. This means that the stored procedure might not have the necessary permissions or access to the required resources, resulting in errors. To fix this, you can try executing the stored procedure with the `EXECUTE AS` clause or granting the necessary permissions to the Reporting Services service account.

I’m getting a “Cannot create a connection to data source” error when using a stored procedure in SSRS. What’s going on?

This error usually occurs when the data source is not properly configured or when the stored procedure is trying to access a database or resource that’s not available to the Reporting Services service account. Check your data source settings and ensure that the credentials are correct and the database is accessible. Also, make sure that the stored procedure is not trying to access any resources that are not available to the service account.

My stored procedure is taking forever to execute in SSRS, but it runs lightning-fast in SSMS. Why the difference?

This could be due to the differences in how queries are executed in SSRS versus SSMS. In SSRS, the query is executed in a separate thread, which can lead to slower performance. Additionally, SSRS might be using a different query plan or execution path than SSMS, which can affect performance. To optimize performance, try to minimize the amount of data being returned by the stored procedure, use efficient indexing, and consider using query hints to guide the query optimizer.

I’m getting a “Timeout expired” error when using a stored procedure in SSRS. How can I increase the timeout?

By default, SSRS has a timeout of 30 seconds for report execution. To increase the timeout, you can modify the `Timeout` property in the report’s properties or add the `Timeout` parameter to the stored procedure call in the report dataset. Keep in mind that increasing the timeout can lead to slower report rendering and increased resource usage.

Can I use transactional stored procedures in SSRS, and if so, how?

Yes, you can use transactional stored procedures in SSRS! However, you need to be careful when doing so. Since SSRS executes the stored procedure in a separate session, any transactions started within the procedure will not be rolled back if an error occurs. To get around this, you can use distributed transactions or implement error handling within the stored procedure to roll back the transaction if necessary.