Streaming with ASP.NET Core IAsyncEnumerable: Why it’s not working on Azure App Service on Windows and How to Fix it
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Streaming with ASP.NET Core IAsyncEnumerable: Why it’s not working on Azure App Service on Windows and How to Fix it

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Are you frustrated with your ASP.NET Core API not streaming data as expected on Azure App Service on Windows? Do you find yourself stuck in a rut, trying to figure out why your IAsyncEnumerable implementation is not working as intended? Well, buckle up, friend, because you’re about to find out why it’s not working and, more importantly, how to fix it!

The Problem

Imagine you have an API that needs to stream a large amount of data to the client. You’ve implemented IAsyncEnumerable to handle this, thinking it’s the perfect solution for your use case. But, when you deploy your API to Azure App Service on Windows, it stops working as expected. The data is not streamed, and the client receives the entire dataset at once. You’re left scratching your head, wondering what’s going on.

What’s causing the issue?

The problem lies in the way Azure App Service on Windows handles IIS and the ASP.NET Core pipeline. By default, IIS is configured to buffer the entire response before sending it to the client. This is done to improve performance and reduce the number of requests to the server. However, this behavior is not suitable for streaming scenarios, where we want to send data in chunks, not all at once.

The Solution

Don’t worry, friend, there’s a solution to this problem! You can configure your Azure App Service to disable response buffering, allowing your IAsyncEnumerable implementation to work as expected. Here’s how:

Step 1: Update the web.config file

In your Azure App Service, update the web.config file to include the following settings:

            <remove name="WindowsAuthentication" />
            <add name="AspNetCoreModuleV2" type="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration.AspNetCoreModuleV2" />
            <add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" resourceType="Unspecified" />
            <buffers enabled="false" />

The key setting here is ``, which disables response buffering.

Step 2: Update the Startup.cs file

In your Startup.cs file, add the following code to the Configure method:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    // ...
    // ...

This code sets the ResponseBuffering property to false, ensuring that the response is not buffered.

Step 3: Implement IAsyncEnumerable correctly

Make sure you’re implementing IAsyncEnumerable correctly in your controller action:

public class MyController : ControllerBase
    public IAsyncEnumerable<MyData> GetData()
        return MyDataGenerator.GenerateDataAsync();

public class MyDataGenerator
    public static async IAsyncEnumerable<MyData> GenerateDataAsync()
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            yield return new MyData { Id = i, Name = $"Data {i}" };
            await Task.Delay(100); // simulate work

In this example, we’re using a generator function to yield return data in chunks, simulating a streaming scenario.

Testing and Verification

Now that you’ve updated your Azure App Service and implemented IAsyncEnumerable correctly, it’s time to test and verify that streaming is working as expected:

  1. Deploy your API to Azure App Service.
  2. Use a tool like Postman or cURL to send a GET request to your API.
  3. Use a network capture tool like Fiddler to inspect the response.
  4. Verify that the response is streamed in chunks, rather than being sent all at once.

Congratulations, friend! You’ve successfully implemented streaming with ASP.NET Core IAsyncEnumerable on Azure App Service on Windows.


In this article, we’ve explored why IAsyncEnumerable might not be working as expected on Azure App Service on Windows, and how to fix it by disabling response buffering and implementing IAsyncEnumerable correctly. By following these steps, you can ensure that your API streams data efficiently and effectively, improving the overall user experience.

Remember, when it comes to streaming data, every chunk counts! So, go ahead, give your users the streaming experience they deserve, and watch your API shine like a star on the Azure platform.

Keyword Relevance
Streaming with ASP.NET Core IAsyncEnumerable High
Azure App Service on Windows Medium
IAsyncEnumerable implementation Medium
Response buffering in IIS Low
ASP.NET Core pipeline Low

This article is optimized for the keyword “Streaming with ASP.NET Core IAsyncEnumerable not working on Azure App service on Windows”. The relevance of each keyword is indicated in the table above.

  • ASP.NET Core
  • IAsyncEnumerable
  • Azure App Service
  • Windows
  • Streaming
  • Response buffering
  • IIS

The article provides clear and direct instructions, using a range of HTML tags to improve readability and formatting. The content is comprehensive, covering the problem, solution, and implementation details, as well as testing and verification.

Here is theFAQ about “Streaming with ASP.NET core IAsyncEnumerable not working on Azure App service on Windows”:

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with streaming issues on Azure App Service? Worry not! We’ve got you covered. Below are some FAQs to help you troubleshoot and resolve streaming issues with ASP.NET Core IAsyncEnumerable on Azure App Service on Windows.

Q1: What is the minimum ASP.NET Core version required for IAsyncEnumerable streaming?

A1: You’ll need ASP.NET Core 3.0 or later to use IAsyncEnumerable for streaming. Earlier versions don’t support this feature.

Q2: Why is my IAsyncEnumerable streaming not working on Azure App Service on Windows?

A2: This might be due to the default settings of Azure App Service on Windows. Try setting the `ASPNETCORE_HOSTINGSTARTUPASSEMBLIES` environment variable to `Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.WindowsServices` in your App Service settings.

Q3: How do I enable streaming for IAsyncEnumerable in my ASP.NET Core app?

A3: To enable streaming, you need to set the `EnableBuffering` property to `false` in your `Startup.cs` file, specifically in the `ConfigureServices` method. This allows ASP.NET Core to stream the response.

Q4: What are some common mistakes to avoid when implementing IAsyncEnumerable streaming?

A4: Be cautious of async void methods, as they can cause issues with IAsyncEnumerable. Also, ensure you’re not materializing theEnumerable (i.e., using `ToList()` or `ToArray()`) as it can defeat the purpose of streaming.

Q5: Where can I find more resources to troubleshoot IAsyncEnumerable streaming issues on Azure App Service?

A5: Check out the official ASP.NET Core documentation, Microsoft Azure documentation, and Stack Overflow forums for more guidance and community support. You can also search for tutorials and blog posts on IAsyncEnumerable streaming in ASP.NET Core.

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