Varnish Cache Age Header Always 0 for Entire Page: Unraveling the Mystery
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Varnish Cache Age Header Always 0 for Entire Page: Unraveling the Mystery

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Have you ever wondered why your website’s Varnish Cache Age header is always stuck at 0, denying your users the blazing-fast experience they deserve? Well, wonder no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Varnish caching, explore the reasons behind the pesky “0” problem, and provide you with actionable solutions to get your Cache Age header working like a charm.

What is Varnish Cache Age Header?

Varnish Cache Age header is an HTTP response header that indicates the amount of time, in seconds, that the response has been stored in the cache. It’s an essential metric for measuring the effectiveness of your caching strategy. A higher Cache Age value means that your pages are being served from the cache more frequently, resulting in faster page loads and reduced server loads.

Why is Varnish Cache Age Header Always 0?

There are several reasons why your Varnish Cache Age header might be stuck at 0. Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore some common culprits:

  • cache-control headers: If your application or CMS is sending cache-control headers with a max-age value set to 0, Varnish will not cache the response.

  • Insufficient caching configuration: If your Varnish configuration is not set up correctly, it can lead to a Cache Age of 0.

  • Browser cache policies: Aggressive browser caching policies can override Varnish’s caching mechanism, resulting in a Cache Age of 0.

  • Cookie-based authentication: If your website uses cookie-based authentication, Varnish might not be caching the pages correctly.

Solutions to Fix Varnish Cache Age Header Always 0

Now that we’ve identified the potential culprits, let’s get to the solutions!

1. Review and Adjust cache-control Headers

Verify that your application or CMS is not sending cache-control headers with a max-age value set to 0. You can use tools like cURL or HTTPie to inspect the HTTP headers.

curl -I -X GET '' | grep Cache-Control

If you find any cache-control headers with a max-age value set to 0, adjust them to allow caching. For example, you can set the max-age value to 3600 (1 hour) or a higher value depending on your caching strategy.

2. Optimize Varnish Configuration

Review your Varnish configuration file (usually default.vcl) to ensure that caching is enabled correctly. You can add the following snippet to enable caching:

sub vcl_backend_response {
  set beresp.ttl = 1h;
  set beresp.uncacheable = false;

This configuration sets the Time To Live (TTL) for cached objects to 1 hour and makes them cacheable.

3. Configure Browser Cache Policies

To prevent aggressive browser caching policies from overriding Varnish’s caching mechanism, you can add the following headers to your HTTP responses:

Cache-Control: public, max-age=3600
Pragma: public
Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 GMT

These headers instruct browsers to cache the page for 1 hour and respect Varnish’s caching configuration.

If your website uses cookie-based authentication, you can use Varnish’s vcl_recv function to strip cookies for anonymous users:

sub vcl_recv {
  if (!req.http.Cookie ~ "(?i)auth_key|PHPSESSID|SESS") {
    unset req.http.Cookie;

This configuration strips cookies for anonymous users, allowing Varnish to cache the pages correctly.

Testing and Verification

After implementing the solutions above, test your website using tools like cURL, HTTPie, or browser developer tools to verify that the Cache Age header is now displaying the correct value.

curl -I -X GET '' | grep Age

If everything is set up correctly, you should see a non-zero value for the Cache Age header.


In this article, we’ve explored the reasons behind the Varnish Cache Age header always being 0 and provided actionable solutions to resolve the issue. By reviewing cache-control headers, optimizing Varnish configuration, configuring browser cache policies, and handling cookie-based authentication, you can ensure that your website is serving cached pages with a healthy Cache Age header. Remember to test and verify your setup to ensure that your users are getting the fastest experience possible.

Solution Description
Review cache-control headers Verify that application/CMS is not sending cache-control headers with max-age set to 0
Optimize Varnish configuration Enable caching and set TTL for cached objects
Configure browser cache policies Instruct browsers to cache pages for a specified duration
Handle cookie-based authentication Strip cookies for anonymous users to allow caching

By following these solutions, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the Varnish Cache Age header issue and providing a faster, more efficient experience for your users.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to uncover the secrets of Varnish Cache Age Header Always 0 for Entire Page!

What is Varnish Cache Age Header, and why is it always 0 for entire pages?

Varnish Cache Age Header is a mechanism that tracks how long a resource has been in cache. When it’s set to 0, it means the page is not being cached, which can impact performance. This usually happens when there’s no proper cache configuration or when caching is disabled.

How does Varnish Cache Age Header affect website performance?

When Cache Age Header is 0, it means your website’s pages are being reloaded from the origin server on every request, resulting in slower load times, increased latency, and higher server loads. This can lead to poor user experience, decreased conversions, and even search engine ranking drops!

Can I configure Varnish to cache entire pages?

Yes, you can! By configuring Varnish Cache to cache entire pages, you can significantly reduce the load on your origin server, improve page load times, and enhance overall performance. Just make sure to set the correct cache headers, expire times, and cache invalidation strategies.

What are the common reasons for Varnish Cache Age Header Always 0 for entire pages?

Common culprits include incorrect VCL (Varnish Configuration Language) configurations, missing or incorrect cache headers, expired or invalid cache, and incorrect TTL (Time To Live) settings. Sometimes, it’s also due to disabled caching or wrong caching strategies.

How can I troubleshoot Varnish Cache Age Header Always 0 issues?

Debugging Varnish Cache issues requires checking your VCL configurations, cache headers, and request/response logs. You can also use tools like `varnishlog` or `varnishstat` to diagnose the issue. Don’t forget to test your caching setup and validate your cache headers using tools like `curl` or `wget`.

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